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Brooklyn Centre WIKI

Cleveland, Ohio

A Neighborhood Exploration
Currently 301 articles regarding its history

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Newest Features:

Photo Galleries for St. Barbara's Church and a Film of the 1925 School Dedication Day.


Today is: September 21, 2024

Welcome to the historical branch of this website, featuring odds and ends of information and photographs of parts of Brooklyn Centre. Started as an offshoot of the genealogy section, the Wiki was a place to store and organize tidbits of information found while researching various families residing in the area.

The heart of Brooklyn Centre is at the intersection of West 25th Street and Denison Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio.

Street map from Yahoo Maps

First settled in the early 1800's, it's history hasn't often been the focus of interest for Cleveland historians, who pay more attention to what happened on the east side of the Cuyahoga River. Nevertheless, this area has it's own story that shouldn't be overlooked or forgotten.


St. Barbara's is in need of new parishioners and old parishioners!

Currently there are about three hundred + families registered. We need to get the word out to former parishioners and all interested to come back to church and register or the parish may possibly close. The mandate from the Diocese is to close two parishes out of the five clustered: St. Barbara's, St. Boniface, Blessed Sacrament, St. Rocco and St. Michael the Archangel. We don't want to lose our church!

New Parishioner Information Form

The mass schedule is:

Mondays8:30 a.m
Wednesdays8:30 a.m
Saturdays4:30 p.m.
Sundays9:00 a.m. (English)
11:00 a.m. (Polish)

We have a new administrator, Fr. Lucjan Stokowski who is the pastor of St. John Cantius. Let's make St. Barbara's the come back church and show the Diocese we care and want to keep it open.


Brooklyn Centre Genealogy
The genealogy arm of this website. Within, you'll find family trees of the early settlers and many who lived here or had ties to it's residents.
Cuyahoga County Genealogy Tips
Bohemian Genealogy Tips

History's Mysteries

History's Mysteries - speculation on contradictory local facts

External Links

Aerial view from Terraserver
Street map from Yahoo Maps

Pages Recently Added

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