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Brooklyn Centre WIKI

Cleveland, Ohio

A Neighborhood Exploration
Currently 301 articles regarding its history

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Brooklyn Centre Historic District

The heart of Brooklyn Centre is at the intersection of West 25th Street and Denison Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio.
Street map from Yahoo Maps

Brooklyn Centre was first settled in the early 1800's, by the Fish, Brainard, and Foote families, as a farming community.

The area achieved the status of "Historic District" on May 7, 1984, with a formal dedication ceremony held on May 20, 1984 at the Archwood United Church of Christ. The area contains many landmarks of historic note.


Today is: Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Welcome to the historical branch of the Brooklyn Centre website. Here we feature odds and ends of information and photographs of parts of Brooklyn Centre.

This branch started as an offshoot of the genealogy section. The Wiki format allows for a convenient place to store and organize tidbits of information found while researching various families residing in the area.

Trying to write about the history of a neighborhood is like attempting to read a book where big clumps of pages are stuck together. You can open some of the pages and gets glimpses but the big majority of the text is hidden. Sometimes, if you are lucky, a couple of pages can be pried apart and some new parts can be read. More often than not, though, those pages are destined to remain glued together and you'll never really know what was inside although occasionally you can make inferences.

Any history contained within this Wiki has been brought out a bit at a time, as it is found. This means that if you read one of the pages today, in a week or a month's time more may have been added as new things were discovered. It's an ongoing process.

Unless you know exactly what you are looking for here, I suggest that you click on the Random Page link over in the Navigation menu on the left. Using it will give you an opportunity to dip your toes in unexpected places. Enjoy.

Sandy 08:08, 25 March 2009 (PDT)


Brooklyn Centre Genealogy
The genealogy branch of this website. Within, you'll find family trees of the early settlers and many of the immigrants who lived here or had ties to its residents. Some of the familiar names you'll find are BRAINARD, CARTER, FISH, FOOTE, FOSTER, FOWLES, INGRAHAM, LORD, PIXLEY, and STANTON just to name a few. Roughly 200,000 individuals are to be found in the trees.
In addition, family trees of many of the Polish and German residents are also available.
Cuyahoga County Genealogy Tips
Tips and useful links for your research.
Bohemian Genealogy Tips
Just a few jollys for the genealogist.

History's Mysteries

History's Mysteries - speculation on contradictory local facts

External Links

Aerial view from Terraserver
Street map from Yahoo Maps

Pages Recently Added

The following files are typically graphics with the occasional new page development.

  • The St. Barbara Church page has some new additions.
    • One is the 1952 booklet for the dedication ceremonies.
    • The other is a PDF file containing all the documentation for the interior design.

  1. Foose's Meat Market
  2. Rev. Chester C. Cudnik
  3. Image:St Barbara-JohnPaulCanonization.jpg
  4. Image:St. Barbara churchdeeds.JPG
  5. Brooklyn Centre Flora and Fauna
  6. Opera House
  7. William Kardas Grocery
  8. Image:Dedication of Foster Avenue (April 17, 1896 PD).JPG
  9. Image:East Denison School - 1971-1972 6th Grade.jpg
  10. Kay Rheumatic Sanitarium
  11. Image:East Denison School - 1954 6A class.jpg
  12. Image:Merkle-Burgert 1908 ad.JPG
  13. Image:Merkle-Miller 1909 ad.JPG
  14. Image:Merkle-Miller 1923 ad.JPG
  15. Image:Merkle-Miller 1937 ad.jpg
  16. Merkle-Miller
  17. Image:Fish, John Stanton and Clark, Chloe - marriage license.JPG
  18. Image:Sawtell, Benjamin property.JPG
  19. West Town Lounge
  20. Wyatt Hardware
  21. Image:Mayer-Marks.JPG
  22. Mayer-Marks
  23. Image:East Denison School - 1967 6A class.JPG
  24. Image:Botany in 1913 or 1914.jpg
  25. Benjamin Sawtell

2012: Appeals to the Vatican by the parishioners were successful and the church RE-OPENED!

2010: Bishop Richard Lennon made his decision and St. Barbara's was closed.
See the Old Brooklyn News June 2010 issue for an article about the closing.

St. Barbara's Parish related pages

St. Barbara Church     •     St. Barbara's School History     •     St. Barbara Class Lists     •     Photo Albums

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